Wednesday, November 16, 2022
1:00 – 6:00 p.m.
Alden Library
Friends of the Libraries Room 319
Or Virtual Meeting
Join us for GIS Day 2022, as we celebrate and explore GIS on campus! With presenters from a variety of departments, we will be showcasing how GIS is a useful tool across a variety of fields for analyzing and visualizing data, providing the context needed to make decisions, and telling meaningful stories.
Come and go as your schedule allows or join virtually!
To join the GIS Day Virtual Meeting:
Scan the QR code or click the link

1:00 p.m. | Introduction to GIS Day |
Moderator: Matt Trainer, Data/GIS Specialist, Voinovich School | |
1:15 p.m. | Mapping W.E. Peters’ Range Books: Historical sites revisited through public data collection |
Erin Wilson, Digital Imaging Specialist & Lab Manager University Libraries Sarah Romer, BS ‘23, Wildlife & Conservation Biology, GIS Certificate This session will present a case study of ArcGIS web apps and Survey123 as they are currently being leveraged by the University Libraries to collect user-submitted data and visualize archival collections. The project seeks to geolocate historical features of Athens County, Ohio that are documented in a series of scrapbooks compiled by local author William E. Peters in the 1940s. Housed at the Mahn Center for Archives and Special Collections, the Peters Papers’ “Range Books” contain extensive cemetery records, photographs, and geographic descriptions of unique historical features such as schoolhouses, mining sites, Native American mounds, covered bridges, and homesteads. With the goal of facilitating an interactive map for contemporary audiences, the project aims to bring Peters’ analog research into the digital age. | |
1:45 p.m. | Study Space Locater App: A quick review of current capabilities and future aspirations |
Chad Boeninger, University Libraries, Head of User Services & Business Librarian Ryan Spellman, University Libraries, Library Support Specialist, User Services The Study Space Locator App is the result of work conducted by the University Campus Study Space Task Force, which began work in August 2021. Part of the charge for this task force includes making recommendations related to improving the discovery, navigation, and utility of Ohio University’s student study spaces. Thanks to the hard work of the taskforce, a major update to a spreadsheet containing study space details on campus was conducted. This data was shared with GIS expert Dru Sexton for help building the web application being showcased in this presentation. Chad and Ryan will provide some history on the Study Space Locator App’s development, provide a quick tour of the app, and share some wish list features the taskforce hope to see developed as the application grows. | |
2:00 p.m. | “Keep exploring:” Digital Storytelling Explorations with ArcGIS StoryMaps |
Laura Smith, Photo Archivist, University Libraries A look into how two digital exhibits, “Since 1804: Glimpses of People and Places of Athens & Ohio” and the “The Lynn Johnson Collection,” featuring material from the Libraries’ Mahn Center for Archives & Special Collections, were created with ArcGIS StoryMaps to add a sense of place alongside narrative. | |
2:15 p.m. | Feature extraction methods for automated mapping of convex landforms |
Genevieve Joly, Second-Year Masters Graduate Student in Geography I will be presenting my thesis research which looks at using semi-automated feature extraction methods to extract the boundaries of convex landforms (like mountains and ridges) in a way that matches what people would intuitively expect. I explore multiple methods that approach this extraction process in different ways across multiple terrain types. This is part of a greater push by organizations like the USGS to create these boundary extents to improve the representation of these features on maps. I will illustrate what and how I am accomplishing this using GIS software and Python coding and will present some preliminary results. | |
2:30 p.m. | Web mapping A-Z |
Ana Mojica Myers, Assistant Professor Geography | |
2:45 p.m. | Use of Esri’s Business Analyst Online for community development |
Jessica Schaudt, GIS Analyst, Voinovich School Grant Perry, GIS GA, Voinovich School Will demonstrate how Business Analyst online can be customized and used to develop communities and small businesses. Will talk about how it will be used in Appalachian Ohio Data Hub to plan for development of land bank properties | |
3:00 p.m. | Use of Esri’s Business Analyst Online for small business development |
Jessica Schaudt, GIS Analyst, Voinovich School Carleen Dotson, Training Manager and Certified Business Advisor, Small Business Development Center Will demonstrate how Business Analyst online can be customized and used to develop communities and small businesses. Will talk about how it is being used in conjunction with specialists at the SBDC to support small businesses in the region. | |
3:15 p.m. | GIS for Campus Operations and Project Support |
Dru Zeppelin Sexton, GISP, Former Program Manager for GIS, Current Director for Geospatial Mapping and Surveying at the Environmental Design Group Erin Hessler, GIS Technician Anna Stover, GIS Technician Filemon Elimani, GIS Technician An overview of how the university leverages GIS for campus operations within the Department of Facilities Management and Safety, with the specific example of how a memorial tree mapping inventory was used to assist University Advancement with a Campus Memorials solution. | |
3:45 p.m. | Using GIS for home range estimation in free ranging wild chimpanzees in Buraiga, Kibale National Park, Uganda |
Wren Edwards, PhD Candidate, College of Arts and Sciences I will explain how I integrate R and QGIS for spatial analysis in my research, estimating home range and core area size of a wild, free ranging chimpanzees in Kibale National Park, Uganda. | |
4:00 p.m. | mAppAthens: An Outdoor Museum Exploration Tool for Campus and Community |
Kayla Zehner, Americorps Service Member at Crane Hollow & the Ohio Museum Complex Jessica Schaudt, GIS Analyst with the Voinovich School Overview of the OHIO Musuem Complex’s mAppAthens project, an outdoor museum exploration tool for campus and community. Built using Esri’s StoryMaps platform, we will talk about how it’s used to create a virtual tour that allows greater access to these place-based learning experiences. | |
4:15 p.m. | Using ArcGIS technology for teaching and research at Ohio University |
Gaurav Sinha, Associate Professor Geography Elkan Kim, Director of IT Software Engineer and GIS Data Analytics, Voinovich School Students, faculty, and staff can use Esri products for university-related research, teaching, and some administrative purposes. We will present the various various GIS software products for teaching and research that Ohio University offers, including ArcGIS Desktop, ArcGIS Pro, and ArcGIS Online from Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI). | |
4:45 p.m. | Break |
5:00 p.m. | Social and Networking Event – Food Provided |
Questions? Matt Trainer, trainer@ohio.edu